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词汇 Digest2
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"Legal Lexicon":

The twenty-fifth is a continuation of the subject of the preceding. It contains seven titles.
26 and 27. These two books, each in two titles, contain the law relating to tutorship and curatorship.
The twenty-eighth, in eight titles, contain's the law on last wills and testaments.
The twenty-ninth, in seven titles, is the continuation of the twenty-eighth book.
30, 31, and 32. These three books, each divided into two titles, contain the law of trusts and specific legacies.
33, 34, and 35. The first of these, divided into ten titles; the second, into nine titles; and the last into three titles, treat of various kinds of legacies.
The thirty-sixth, containing four titles, explains the senatus consultum trebellianum, and the time when trusts become due.
This book, containing fifteen titles, has two objects first, to regulate successions; and, secondly, the respect which children owe their parents, and freedmen their patrons.
The thirty-eighth book, in seventeen titles, treats of a variety of subjects; of successions, and of the degree of kindred in successions; of possession; and of heirs.
The thirty-ninth explains the means which the law and the prAEtor take to prevent a threatened iNjury; and donations inter vivos and mortis causa.
The fortieth, in sixteen titles, treats of the state and condition of persons, and of what relates to freedmen and liberty.
The different means of acquiring and losing title to property, are explained in the forty-first book, in ten titles.
The forty-second, in eight titles, treats of the res judicata, and of the seizure and sale of the property of a debtor.
Interdicts or possessory actions are the object of the forty-third book, in three titles.
The forty-fourth contains an enumeration of defences which arise in consequence of the resjudicata, from the lapse of time, prescription, and the like. This occupies six titles; the seventh treats of obligations and actions.
This speaks of stipulations, by freedmen, or by slaves. It contains only three titles.
This book, in eight titles, treats of securities, novations, and delegations, payments, releases, and acceptilations.
In the forty-seventh book are explained the punishments inflicted for private crimes, de privates delictis, among which are included larcenies, slander, libels, offences against religion, and public manners, removing boundaries, and other similar offences.
This book treats of public crimes, among which are enumerated those Iaesae majestatis, adultery, murder, poisoning, parricide, extortion, and the like, with rules for procedure in such cases.
The forty-ninth, in eighteen titles, t reats of appeals, of the rights of the public treasury, of those who are in captivity, and of their repurchase.
The last book, in seventeen titles, explains the rights of municipalities. and then treats of a variety of public officers.
Besides this division, Justinian made another, in which the fifty books were divided into seven parts: The first contains the first four books; the second, from the fifth to the eleventh book inclusive; the third, from the twelfth to the nineteenth inclusive; the fourth, from title twentieth to the twenty-seventh inclusive; the fifth, from the twenty-eighth to the thirty-sixth inclusive the sixth, commenced with the thirty seventh, and ended with the forty-fourth book; and the seventh or last was composed of the last six books.
A third division, which, however, is said not to have been made by Justinian, is in three parts. The first, called digestum vetus, because it was the first printed. It commences with the first book, and. includes the work to the end of the second title of the twenty-fourth book. The second, called digestum infortiatum, because it is supported or fortified by the other two, it being the middle; it commences with the begining of the third title of the twenty-fourth book and ends with the thirty-eighth. The third, which begins with the thirty-ninth book and ends with the work, is called digestum novum, because it was last printed.

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