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释义 `1`ADMISSION3 `2`
"Legal Lexicon":

In chancery pleadings admissions are said to be plenary and partial. They are plenary by force of terms not only when the answer runs in this form, 'the defendant admits it to be true,' but also when he simply asserts, and generally speaking, when be says that 'he has been informed, and believes it to be true,' without adding a qualification such as, 'that he does not know it of his own knowledge to be so, and therefore does not admit the same.' Partial admissions are those which are delivered in terms of uncertainty, mixed up as they frequently are, with explanatory or qualifying circumstances.
In Practice. It, frequently occurs in practice, that in order to save expenses as to mere formal proofs, the attorneys on each side consent to admit, reciprocally, certain facts in the cause without calling for proof of them.
These are usually reduced to writing and the attorneys shortly add to this effect, namely, ' We agree that the above facts shall on the trial of this cause be admitted, and taken as proved on each side;' and signing two copies now called, 'admissions ' in the cause, each attorney takes one.
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