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问题 国际贸易合同有几种付款方式?
    国际贸易合同有几种付款方式?现金帐户Cash account预付现金Cash advance凭提货单支付现金Cash against Bill of Lading (B/L)凭单据付现款||凭装货单付现款现金结存||现金差额Cash balance现收现付制||现金收付制Cash basis付现款后交货||交货前付现款Cash before delivery装运前付现款Cash before shipment现金交易Cash dealing现款押金||现金存款Cash deposit现金折扣||现金贴现Cash discount付现款||现金支付Cash payment现金结算Cash settlement货到付现款Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)(Eng.)货到收现款Collect on delivery (C.O.D.)(Am.)承兑后若干天付款days after acceptance (D/A)开票日后若干日days after date (D/D)Cash against Documents现金资产Cash assets见票后若干日days after sight (D/S)定期汇票date draft承兑交单documents against acceptance (D/A)||documentary Bill for Acceptance (D/A)付款交单documents against payment (D/P)折扣discount (DC)付现款时2%折扣less 2% due net cash现款5%折扣5% for cash一个月内付款2%折扣2% one month三个月内付款需现金3 months net立即付现款prompt cash付现款net cash||ready cash||cash汇票(美)draft汇票(英)bill of exchange见票即付||即期汇票draft at sight||sight draft托收汇票draft for collection||bill for collection来取即付汇票draft on demand||bill on demand见票后 .. 天付款draft at .. days' date跟单汇票draft with documents atta ched||documentary draft无追索权汇票draft without recourse银行汇票bank draft银行汇票||银行票据banker's draft商业汇票merchant's draft电汇cable draft折扣汇票discount draft 被拒付汇票dishonoured draft 付款例文我方现拟采购附单所开出的各项货物, 希贵方能尽量航寄最优惠的 C&F 纽约价格.We are now in the market for the goods mentioned in the attached list and shall appreciate it if you will airmail us as soon as possible your best quotation C&F, New York.这次订单为合同的组成部分之一。请告最优惠条件为盼。Please put us on your best terms, as this order forms a part of the contract.请告知现金支付的最佳条件和折扣率。Please state your best terms and discount for cash.请告知有关折扣的最佳装运条件。Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount.由于贵方报价需现金, 所以我们想再打折扣。We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list price, which we see are quoted net cash以上就是我为大家总结的内容,希望大家明白。




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