act of intervention
act of intimidation
act of invasion of business secrets
act of investigation
act of issuing dud checks
act of jeopardizing business secrets
act of knowingly hold, use or transport forged currencies
act of knowingly using forged, mutilated or disused instruments
act of law
act of legislating
act of leniency
act of life time
act of limiting purchases to squeeze out others
act of mandating
act of manufacturing narcotics
act of medical treatment
act of method
act of military law
act of misappropriating
act of misstating registered capital
act of mulcting
act of mulcting public money
act of nature
act of neutralization
act of obtaining
act of official duty
act of pardon
act of people's representatives
act of perfidy
act of perpetrating
act of perverting the course of justice
act of piracy
act of pooling public deposits in disguised form
act of presenting
act of presumption
act of procedure
act of producing obscene articles
act of purchase and sale
act of purchasing counterfeit currencies
act of purpose
act of ratification
act of recognition
act of refusal to aid enforcement
act of reloading
act of removing irregularities
act of removing social endangerment
act of reparation
act of representation
act of reprisals
act of rescue
act of revealing business secrets
act of revising
act of sabotage
act of sabotaging productive facilities
act of seizing by force
act of self-defense
act of self-destructing
act of selling of counterfeit currencies
act of shifting permanent marks of measurement
act of sinking evidence
act of smuggling
act of snatching
act of sovereignty
act of starting to perpetrate a crime
act of state
act of stealing
act of stealing military secrets
act of stealing numbers of mobile phones
act of stealing state secrets
act of stowing
act of subscribing
act of suicide
act of suppressing the evidence
act of swindling
act of taking and carrying away
act of taking bribes
act of taking the credit card of another as one's own
act of terror
act of terrorism
act of theft
act of tie-in sale
act of tort
act of transgressing customs control rules
act of transporting narcotics
act of treachery
distressed goods
distressed property
distress for rent
distress merchandise
distress of damage-feasant
distress on the sea
distress sale
distress selling
distress signal
distress warrant
distribute bonuses in disregard of merit
distribute bonuses recklessly
Distribute, Distribution
distributed profits
distributed property
distribute the cargo
distribute the spoils
distributing center
distribution according to work
distribution costs
distribution of corporate earnings system
distribution of gains
distribution of gains from partnership
distribution of insolvent properties
distribution of partnership properties
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