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词汇 Code, Codes2
释义 `1`Code, Codes2 `2`
"Legal Lexicon":

This code contains many inaccurate definitions. The legislature modified and changed many of the provisions relating to the positive legislation, but adopted the definitions and abstract doctrines of the code without material alterations. From this circumstance, as well as from the inherent difficulty of the subject, the positive provisions of the code are often at variance with the theoretical part which was intended to elucidate them.
This code went into operation on May 20th, 1825. It is in both the French and English languages; and in construing it it is a rule that when the expressions used in the French text of the code are more comprehensive than those used in English, or vice versa, the more enlarged sense will be taken, as thus full effect will be given to both clauses.
CODE NAPOLEON - The Code Civil of France, enacted into law during the reign of Napoleon bore his name until the restoration of the Bourbons when it was deprived of that name and is now cited just as 'Code Civil'.
CODE PAPIRIAN - The name of a collection of the Roman laws promulgated by Romulus, Numa and other kings who governed Rome till the time of Tarquin the Proud. It was so called in honor of Sextus Parrius, the compiler.
CODE PRUSSIAN - Allgemeines Landrecht. This code is also known by the name of Codex Fredericianus or Frederician code. It was compiled by order of Frederic H. by the minister of justice, Samuel Cocceji, who completed a part of it before his death in 1755. In 1780, the work was renewed under the superintendence of the minister Von Carmer, prosecuted with unceasing activity, and published in six parts from 1784 to 1788. The opinions of those who understood the subject were requested and prizes offered on the best commentaries on it. The whole was completed in 1791, under the title 'General Prussian Code.'
CODE THEODOSIAN - This code, which originated in the eastern empire, was adopted in the Western empire towards its decline. It is a collection of the legislation of the Christian emperors, from and including Constantine to Theodosius the Younger. It is composed of sixteen books, the edicts, acts, rescripts, and ordinances of the two empires, that of the east and that of the west.




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