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词汇 Malice
释义 `1`Malice `2`
"Legal Lexicon":

MALICE - A wicked intention to do an injury. It is not confined to the
intention of doing an injury to any particular person, but extends to an
evil design, a corrupt and wicked notion against some one at the time of
committing the crime; as, if A intended to poison B, conceals a quantity
of poison in an apple and puts it in the way of B, and C, against whom
he had no ill will, and who, on the contrary, was his friend, happened
to eat it, and die, A will be guilty of murdering C with malice

Malice is express or implied. It is express, when the party evinces
an intention to commit the crime, as to kill a man; for example, modern
duelling. It is implied, when an officer of justice is killed in the
discharge of his duty, or when death occurs in the prosecution of some
unlawful design.

It is a general rule that when a man commits an act, unaccompanied by
any circumstance justifying its commission, the law presumes he has
acted advisedly and with an intent to produce the consequences which
have ensued.

Torts. The doing any act injurious to another without a just cause.

This term, as applied to torts, does not necessarily mean that which
must proceed from a spiteful, malignant, or revengeful disposition, but
a conduct injurious to another, though proceeding from an ill-regulated
mind not sufficiently cautious before it occasions an injury to another.

Indeed in some cases it seems not to require any intention in order
to make an act malicious. When a slander has been published, therefore,
the pro-per question for the jury is, not whether the intention of the
publication was to injure the plaintiff, but whether the tendency of the
matter published, was so injurious.

Again, take the common case of an offensive trade, the melting of
tallow for instance; such trade is not itself unlawful, but if carried
on to the annoyance of the neighboring dwellings, it becomes unlawful
with respect to them, and their inhabitants may maintain an action, and
may charge the act of the defendant to be malicious.




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