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问题 Remitting Bank是谁的代理人?
    问: Remitting Bank是谁的人? 在托收结算中,collecting bank将在进口国寻找一位remitting bank,请问,这位Remitting Bank是卖方的代理人还是collecting bank的代理人?也就是说,如果Remitting Bank审单有误,collecting bank是否有责任? 徐国英 2000.8.8 答: 徐国英女士/先生: 根据UCP522号《托收统一规则》995version A部份第3-a款,"the remitting bank which is bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection."。Remitting bank 系作为找收委托人的代理人在托收过程中进行作为。因此,如remitting bank 审单有误,collecting bank 不应对此承担责任。 但是在跟单托收过程中,银行必须,也仅仅必须和何时所收单据表面与托收指示中所罗例的一致。故collecting bank 如发现单证表面与托收指示不一致的情况下,应即通知其前手,即remitting bank。 上海市震旦 吕海鸣 律师 二OOO年八月十日 郑 重 声 明 本回答仅供信息参考之用,不应视为律师出具的正式法律意见;并且不构成任何委托服务关系。如希望进一步了解有关内容,请直接同该律师联系。 The answer is of informational and educational purposes only, is not intended as legal advice, and should not be construed as forming any attorney-client relationship. Should you wish to learn more about any of the issues or topics contained within it, please contact the attorney himself.




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