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问题 保险理赔的英文文件
    英文索赔函 保险理赔的英文文件律师解答: 一、理赔原则 我公司在处理赔案过程中一贯遵循重合同、守信用的原则,履行“迅速、及时、准确、合理”的理赔工作八字方针。在不违反法律和保险条款的前提下,尽可能满足客户的合理要求,公正地处理索赔事宜。 二、理赔工作经验 1、处理高风险项目损案的经验 高风险项目投资金额高、技术精密、风险集中,事故发生后在损失原因分析、责任确定、赔偿方式的选择等方面需要较高的技术水平和较为丰富的工作经验,多年来,我公司有针对性地培养了一批具备以上素质的从业人员。 2、处理大面积损失赔案的经验 洪水、火灾、台风等灾害事故往往导致大范围内企业受损,损失原因单一但损失程度各异,我公司在处理类似事故,在理赔标准的确定、理赔人员的集中与培训,应急的理赔程序、预付赔款等方面有一套完整的操作程序。 3、迅速筹集大额赔款的能力和经验 统一法人、授权经营的运作模式,使得我公司能够做到全国一盘棋,在出现巨额赔款时,能迅速调集资金进行赔付,如1998年长江流域水灾,我公司在短时间内,筹集15亿元调往我当地分公司。 4、与国内外专家、理算人合作的经验 为保证赔案的合理、准确,我公司较早便开始和各行业的专家合作处理赔案,建立了我公司自己的技术专家网络;为和国际保险市场接轨,我们和已在国内取得营业执照的国际理算人也建立了良好的合作关系。如: 1、通标标准技术服务有限公司(SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Ltd.); 2、麦理伦国际理赔集团(Mclarens Toplis group.) 3、民太安保险公估公司 4、大洋保险公估公司等 5、大连正大保险公估有限公司 三、理赔程序 1、出险报案 一旦发生灾害或事故,被保险人应立即通知我公司,报案电话95518。报案方式可以是口头或书面。我公司接报案时,将详细记录保单号、险别、出险标的、事故发生时间、地点、原因等,迅速确定是否属于保险事故并及时同治被保险人,同时要求被保险人填报“出险通知书”,登记立案。 2、现场查勘: 我公司为贵公司提供24小时报案服务,接到报案后将迅速赴事故现场进行查勘,核实出险时间、地点、经过、原因、损失程度及金额,协助被保险人进行施救。损失金额在30万元以内将选定事故鉴定机构,并选派1-2名专家参加工作;如损失超过30万元,按国际惯例,双方共同委托或指定国内经过中国保险监督管理委员会批准的保险公估行作损失鉴定。 3、核定损失及预付赔款 我公司依据保险条款确定保险责任,将根据保险合同的约定及受损财产的损失程度及损失金额,确定赔款数量,损失金额一旦经双方认可,在被保险人提供全部索赔单证后,在大连分公司核赔权限内(人民币500万元以下或等值外币),我公司将在7个工作日内支付赔款;若超过大连公司核赔权限,经报请总公司批准,我公司将在30个工作日内支付赔款。对属于保险责任内的大赔款,若金额一时难以确定,我公司可按估损金额的30%至50%,先行预付部分赔款,以帮助贵公司及时恢复生产。损失金额一经最终确定,我公司将在规定的时间内支付其余赔款。 First, the principle of settlement of claims My company has been dealing with process followed heavy contracts, the principle of keeping promises to fulfill "prompt, timely, accurate and reasonable" settlement of the 16-character one. Without violating the law and under the premise of the insurance provisions, as far as possible to meet the reasonable demands of customers, and fairly deal with claims issues. Second, the loss adjuster working experience 1, dealing with high-risk projects in the experience of loss High-risk high amount of investment projects, technical sophistication, risk concentration, the accident occurred after the loss of reasons, the responsibility defined, and its choice of compensation methods require higher skill levels and more abundant working experience, over the years, I have against the company and to train a group of employees with the quality of the above. 2, dealing with large losses experience Floods, fires, typhoons and other disasters and accidents often lead to large enterprises within the framework of damage, but the loss of a single reason for the loss in varying degrees, I deal with the company in similar accidents, the standard in the determination of claims, the claims focus and training, emergency response procedures for the settlement of claims prepaid compensation, and other aspects of a complete set of operating procedures. 3, quickly raise large sums of compensation ability and experience Unified corporate, authorized management mode of operation, I made the company can do a chessboard, in a huge indemnity, we can rapidly mobilize funds for payments, such as the 1998 Yangtze River floods, my company in a short time, to raise 1.5 billion yuan - to my local branch. 4, and domestic and foreign experts, adjusting the experience of co-operation To ensure reasonable, accurate, my company started earlier and industry experts to deal with, I established a company's own technology expert network; for convergence and the international insurance market, we achieved in the country and has business licenses international adjusters have also established good relations of cooperation. Such as: 1, Qualcomm criteria Technology Services Limited (SGS - CSTC Standards Technical Services Ltd); 2, Mr. Fallon international settlement Group (Mclarens Toplis group.) 3, the public guessing too An insurance company 4, Ocean Insurance Appraisal Company 5, Dalian Zhengda Insurance Appraisal Ltd. Third, claims procedures 1,report The event of a disaster or accident, the insured shall immediately notify our company, calls 95518. Reporting methods can be oral or written. I made a report to the company, will be detailed records of insurance policies, insurance other,subject, the accident occurred time, place, why, etc., belonging to quickly determine whether the accident and timely insurance Tongzhi insured, the insurance people at the same time request to be furnished " no notices "registration file. 2, site survey: My company for your company provides 24-hour reporting service, received a report quickly to the scene of the incident after a survey to verify time, place, after, causes, extent and the amount of losses to the insured to the rescue. The total loss in 300,000 yuan within selected incidents accreditation body, and selected 1-2 experts to attend work if losses over 300,000 yuan, according to international practice, the two sides jointly commissioned designated domestic or after the China Insurance Regulatory Commission approved insurance estimated losses for the public to identify. 3, approved compensation losses and prepayments My insurance company based on the terms set insurance liability, according to the agreed terms of the insurance contract and the extent of damage to property and loss of the losses amount to determine the number of compensation, once the amount of loss by mutual recognition, in the insurers to provide all of claim document, in Dalian branch competence (5 million yuan the following or its equivalent in foreign currency), I will be in seven working days to pay compensation if the company authority over Dalian, as reported to head office approval, I will be in 30 working days pay reparations. The responsibility bel ongs to the large insurance compensation, the amount of time it is difficult to determine if I can amount of the company's 30 to 50 percent, the first part of the compensation paid in advance to help your company promptly resume production. The loss amounted to a final, I will be the required time limit for payment of the remaining compensation.




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