问题 | icsig仲裁法律义务 法律问题 |
释义 | 法律分析: 一般义务 (1) 在收到仲裁请求登记的通知后,各方应尽一切可能,在适当考虑到公约第四章第 2 节的情况下,着手组成仲裁庭。 (2) 除非请求中提供了此类信息,否则当事人应尽快将他们商定的关于仲裁员人数和任命方法的任何规定传达给秘书长。 (3) 除非仲裁庭的每一名成员都是经当事方协议任命的,否则争端当事国或其国民为争端当事方的国家的国民只有在由另一方任命的情况下才能由一方任命这些国籍中任何一个的相同数量的仲裁员的争议当事方不会导致这些国籍的仲裁员的多数。 (4) 任何曾在解决争端的程序中担任调解员或仲裁员的人不得被任命为仲裁庭成员。 法律依据: 《ICSID 仲裁程序规则》 (1) Upon notification of the registration of the request for arbitration, the parties shall, with all possible dispatch, proceed to constitute a Tribunal, with due regard to Section 2 of Chapter IV of the Convention. (2) Unless such information is provided in the request, the parties shall communicate to the Secretary-General as soon as possible any provisions agreed by them regarding the number of arbitrators and the method of their appointment. (3) Except if each member of the Tribunal is appointed by agreement of the parties, nationals of the State party to the dispute or of the State whose national is a party to the dispute may be appointed by a party only if appointment by the other party to the dispute of the same number of arbitrators of either of these nationalities would not result in a majority of arbitrators of these nationalities. (4) No person who had previously acted as a conciliator or arbitrator in any proceeding for the settlement of the dispute may be appointed as a member of the Tribunal. |
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